
Leibster Award

Hey Girlies
I've luckily been given the Leibster Award by three girls, im so happy! so I'm going to do three seperate posts for each nomination. 

My first nomination was by Taylor from http://lipsticksandlavender.blogspot.co.uk/.  Thank you so much! Her blog is amazing so go and check it out.

Here are the rules

1. You must link back the person who nominated you.
2. You must answer the 11 questions chosen by the person who nominated you.
3. You have to pick 11 people to nominate with under 200 followers.
4. You can't nominate the person who nominated you.
5. You must tell the nominees they have been nominated.


1. What was your most used beauty product in 2013?
Mascara, I wear mascara literally everyday.
2. Whats the most worn item in your closet
I'm not really sure,probably my levis denim jacket  
3. What phone do you have?
I have a Nokia brick phone  
4. What celeb would you love to spend the day with?
5. What did you want to be when you were younger?
A singer  
6. What was the last thing you ate?
A rolo cookie, I'm supposed to be on a diet but ohwell. 
7. Whats your fave tv show?
Million Matchmaker, I've been watching this constantly recently.  
8. What do you order at starbucks?
I never really go to starbucks but if I do I get a caramel frappuccino.  
9. Whats your favourite holiday?
When I went to bulgaria a few years a go, it was so hot and I got an amazing tan!  
10. What is your favourite colour?
11. What would be your ideal holiday?
I'd love to go to calafornia! Mostly because it looks amazing but also because America has so many different makeup brands we can't get here in the UK.

Now my questions

1. Name one of your favourite blog
2. Do you wear makeup everyday?
3. What kind of TV programmes do you like watching?
4.  What is your favourite make up brush brand?
5. What is your all time favourite mascara?
6. How often do you use heat on your hair?
7. What is your favourite take away?
8. Whats your favourite trainer brand?
9. How often do you wash your hair?
10. Why did you start a blog?
11. Have you ever dyed your hair and if you have what colours?

Here are my nominees

1. ellistuesday.blogspot.co.uk

2. makeupandlondon.blogspot.com

3. allthingsbeautiful-x.blogspot.com

4. alovesvintage.blogspot.com

5. blushingbeautiess.blogspot.co.uk

6. lacarmella.blogspot.com

7. Ashleighbeauty.blogspot.com

8. hell0imchar.blogspot.co.uk

9. lacethrillsx.blogspot.com

10. jesuisloueeez.blogspot.co.uk

11. veryfashionabelle.blogspot.co.uk

I'm so excited to see your guys answers to my questions!

love brittany x


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me lovely! :)
    I've just done a Liebster Award post but I'll be compiling a second one soon, so I will let you know when I post that so you can see my answers.
    You've got a new follower here! Your blog is gorgeous!!


    1. its okay :) your blog is amazing!
      okay :) thank you! xx

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me! So nice of you! I will answer the questions as soon as I get time! www.veryfashionabelle.blogspot.co.uk
