
Just Some Beauty Tips For Beauty Junkies.

Hello Girlies,
Recently I have discovered so many beauty tips which I want to share with you. I'm not an expert in any way at all, I've just picked up a lot of tips from books,blogs,you tube videos and people and I'm now going to share some with you and lets face it who doesn't love beauty tips!

  • Make sure when using eyeliner the liner on the top lid is thicker than underneath the eye as if the liner on the bottom is thicker it will make your eyes seem dropsy.
  • If you have small almond eyes like me and want your eyes to look bigger and rounder, line your eye lid all the way across making sure the line is at its thickest in the middle of the lid. This makes the eye look rounder and bigger which I love! I use this make up tip all the time now.
  • Never line the inner corners of the eye! This will close up your eyes and make them seem smaller than they are. Always brighten the inner corners using concealer then a highlighting eyeshadow.  
  • When you fake tan your hands and feet, use the excess tan which is still on the tanning mitt or gloves. After get a baby wipe and gently go over the fingers and feet, this will make the tan look so much better and will avoid orange hands and feet, which no one wants! 
  •  Invest in a good eye cream, even if you are a teenager!You need one. The skin underneath your eye is very sensitive and needs a separate moisturizer than the rest of your face. Overtime the skin under your eyes will become smoother and there will be less creases, the creases mean the skin isn't moisturized enough. Obviously everyone has creases under there eyes but to avoid as many creases as possible, use a decent eye cream. It will also help to prevent your concealer from creasing.     
  • If you don't have an eye cream or don't have the money to buy one use Vaseline! Jennifer Aniston uses it. Just apply a small amount underneath your eyes every night to give the skin the moisture it needs. But be careful, some people can get small white bumps around the eyes from using vaseline. I've tried this tip and it works for me!
  • Make sure you include a product buildup remover shampoo in your haircare routine. Use one every month at the least or when you feel like your hair is constantly greasy, if its constantly greasy even after washing it there is still product in your hair left over which the shampoo hasn't got rid of. 
  • When and if you dye your hair, keep the bottle which you used to apply the dye. Wash it out thoroughly and fill it with shampoo. When you next wash your hair, use the bottle to get into the roots of the hair so your scalp gets thoroughly cleaned as shampoo is meant for cleaning the scalp and not the hair!  
  •  Never think if you leave in a hair treatment in your hair over night it will work better and the effects will be amazing because they won't! The hair cuticles will close up meaning the product won't work and it will be a waste of product. You can leave the treatment in for about an hour and wash out. 
  • When shaving your armpits,always exfoliate before you do. This will make sure the skin is smooth and it will prevent the skin from getting sore and irritated. Then moisturize after, don't forget to moisturize your armpits as well girls!                                                       
  • If you use a leave in conditioner, apply it when your in the shower, the steam and the heat will help the conditioner to sink into your hair and really work.     
  • If your desperate to grow your hair, use a hot oil, wrap your hair in a hot cloth and sit down with your head in between your legs. Do this everyday for a week. Because your head is upside down, the blood will rush to the roots and stimulate hair growth. This can make your hair grow an inch. I wouldn't recommend doing it often as it can obviously be quite dangerous and make you feel dizzy.   
  •  After applying fake tan, every time you shower use exfoliating gloves to make sure your exfoliating the excess fake tan and to even out the tan, this will also help prevent your tan from getting patchy. 
  • After applying fake tan try and use the same body lotion you used before you applied the fake tan. If you use the same one, your tan is likely to last longer.
  I hope you learnt something from reading this blog post and will hopefully use some of the make up tips. Let me know if you have any beauty tips or if you've tried the ones I've listed.

love brittany x


  1. awh thank you! I've just started up. did you like any of the tips i posted?
    ill defenatly check out you blog xx

  2. Oooh thanks for the tips! Defo need to remember some of those :)


    1. its okay! yes i use some of them all the time! xx

  3. I enjoyed reading this post, you made brilliant tips and tricks that are sometimes overlooked. I especially adored the hair build up tips.

    1. thank you! yes I always try and use a product build up remover shampoo, boots have a good one! xx
