
Get to Know Me: 25 Question Tag

Hey Girlies,
I thought it would be a perfect idea to do the Get to Know Me: 25 Questions Tag as my fist post so let's get right into it!

1. Do you have a middle name?
Yes my middle name is Lauren

2. What was your favorite subject in school?

I loved art, maths and geography, even though i didn't pass geography.

3. What's your favorite drink?
I don't really have a favourite drink, what drink i have depends on the mood i'm in at the time. But a few favourites of mine have to be strawberry ribena, apple juice and tea. I mostly drink tea though as its always in the house.
4. Have you ever been in love?

Yes, Im in love now

5. What would you name your children?
I'm one of the few people who hasn't decided what i would call my children yet.

6. Do you participate in any sports?

No, i'm not a sporty kind of girl. I used to horse ride occasionally because my family own horses but I've never really done any other sports.

7. What's your favorite book? 

I never really read books! I want to start getting into it again as i used to. I would say my favorite books are the Nicholas
Sparks ones. I'm a sucker for romance!

8. What's your favorite color?

Pink, I swear most girls favorite colour is pink!

9. What's your favorite animal?
Pandas, i love them. I think there just soooo cute!

10. What's your favorite perfume?

I love Britney Spears fantasy but at the moment I'm in love with the perfume Lancome La Vie Belle, its amazing!

11. What's your favorite season?
don't really have one, I'm one of them moany people who say in summer " Its so hot, I wish it was cold" and vise versa in winter.

12. Have you graduated from High School?


13. Have you been out of the country?
Yes, I've been to Isle of Wight, France, Spain, Monorca and F

14. Do you speak any other languages?
No, I failed french in School!

15. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have one brother and one sister, I'm the youngest sibling.

16. What's your favorite store?

Superdrug or Boots. I love make up! which is why I`m starting this blog.

17. What's your favorite take away?
I love this curry place in my town, I would have a curry from them everyday if i could! I always go there with my boyfriend, Its so good and so cheap which is a bonus.
18. Do you like school? 

I like college, I much prefer it to school. 

19. Who is your favorite YouTuber? 
gossmakeupartist, i think his videos are so helpful and i learn so many make up tips
from his videos!

22. Whats you favorite movie?
I love The Notebook, It will never get old! I also love The Great Gatsby, I love the music in the film, mostly Lana Del Ray's song 'young and beautiful.
21. What are some of your favorite TV shows?
The Vampire Diaries, TOWIE, Made in Chelsea, Big Brother, Keeping up with the Kardashians and 90120, I was so sad when they cancelled season 7.

22. PC or Mac?

I'm a PC user, I've used a Mac before but its too complicated for me.

23. What phone do you have?

A brick phone, I break every phone i get.

24. How tall are you?
I think I'm around 5`3 to 5`4

25. Any pets?
I have a cat called baby, my family has three horses, two dogs and another cat.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post and have learned a little bit about me, feel free to ask if theres anything else you would like to know :)

love brittany x

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