
All About Toners

Hey Girlies,
Recently I've been learning about skin care and getting into it more. I never really used to be that interested as I found it time consuming and I'd always to forget to cleanse and tone my face but now I've learnt a bit more Im excited to try out loads of products then share with you guys what I love. This post is going to be the first of a series about skin care, hair care and make up. Now I'm going to share with you guys what I've recently learnt about toners and why you need to use one!

What toners actually do and why you should use one

Toners simulate circulation in the skin, remove and remaining dead skin cells or greasiness, and give the skin smooth texture. Toners can be helpful for people who have oily skin or people who wear a lot of make up. Teenagers don't really need a toner but you do use one make sure it isn't harsh on your skin and doesn't contain alcohol. I use the simple toner and its amazing, it feels like I'm putting water on my face and makes it feel so fresh and smooth.  So i would recommend the simple toner to teenagers as its dead cheap and amazing. You should use a toner after cleaning your face and cleansing it, the toner acts as an extra cleaner to remove the dirt, oil and residue product on your face which the cleanser left behind. Toners are amazing in the summer as the skin tends to be more oily and tends to attract more dirt and bacteria, ewww! Toners also restore the skins natural PH balance. 

Toners make the pore on your skin appear smaller which is amazing! They work by very slightly irritating the skin, causing it to swell, making pores less noticeable.

How to apply

Apply after cleansing the face. Apply to a cotton wool pad then apply to the face using moving up the face then leave the skin into the skin and apply moisturizer. You can also put toner into a spray bottle and use to spray the face, you can do this in the summer when your out and about, this will freshen up the face and make you feel like your skin is clean. (make sure your not wearing any make up though if you do this!) 

Don't want to use a toner? Instead you can splash your face with cold water! This will close up the pores and improve the skin's texture. 

Toner Options

Alcohol and water are the main ingredients in many skin toners. Other ingredients included can be witch hazel, glycerin, rose water, vinegar, alum, boric acid, menthol, camphor, and other herbs. The main difference in different toners is the amount of alcohol they contain. Alcohol strips the naturally occurring oils skin needs to be healthy, so look for one which doesn't contain alcohol if you have dry skin!

Thank you for reading my post and let me know if you'd like me to do some more. 

love brittany x


  1. I don't do skincare AT ALL and I really need to!!


  2. I never really used to but I'm trying to get into it because I don't want to regret it when I'm older! haha x

  3. Great post! I've just written a post that will go up later this week about some new skin care I've been using! I used to be so lazy with skin care, use a face wipe, pop on some moisturiser and that was it! I've noticed a big change since I've been actually doing a proper skin care regime! x


    1. Thank you! ah cool, ill defo check it out! face wipes are meant to be sooo bad for your skin, thank god you dont use them anymore! yeah my skin is so much better now i've started using cleansers and toners but I'm still so lazy and sometimes don't bother haha x
